Something Is Off with My Vagina: You Can Check Symptoms Now
What happens when you notice changes in vaginal discharge, odor or irritation and aren’t sure if it’s normal or if you need to see a doctor?
Now, you can use our online MONISTAT® Symptom Checker to help determine if you might have a yeast infection.
Using Our Vaginal Health Symptom Checker
Using our MONISTAT® Symptom Checker should take less than a minute and it can give you quick guidance to determine if you may have a yeast infection or if you should make a doctor appointment. If this is your first yeast infection, speak with your doctor.
It starts out with a simple question: Do you have itching and irritation? Click on the checkmark if your answer is yes or the ‘X’ if your answer is no. There are just a few questions and you’re done. It really is that easy!
You will then be asked a short series of questions to figure out if you might have a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis or other infection, or if the changes you’re experiencing (like maybe a different odor) are most likely normal.
In all, the series of questions will take about a minute to complete. If your condition is something that can’t be treated at home, like bacterial vaginosis or a sexually transmitted infection, the MONISTAT® Symptom Checker will suggest you see a doctor or other healthcare professional. If your symptoms suggest you may have a yeast infection, you can use our Product Selector Tool to determine which MONISTAT® is the best fit for you.

Do you have a yeast infection?
Answer a few questions and find out what your symptoms mean.
What Signs Should You Most Look Out For?
First and foremost, if you are concerned about your vaginal health, call your doctor. There are more telemedicine options these days, usually covered by insurance, that can take less time out of your day than an in-person visit and give you peace of mind.
Signs of a vaginal infection—ranging from easy-to-cure to more serious vaginal health problems—include:
- A change in the color, texture, amount or odor of vaginal discharge
- Pain at anytime or during sex
- Redness or swelling in or around the vagina
- Abnormal bleeding (not during your period)
- Lumps or masses in or near your vagina
While yeast infections can be very easy to treat and cure at home, if you are pregnant, have diabetes or have another chronic health condition, talk to your doctor first anytime your health changes.
The most important thing is to take care of you! We hope we’re helping to make that easier for you.

How do I cure my yeast infection?
Let us help you find the best product for you.